Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

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9 - 11 Jahr(e)





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9 - 11 Jahr(e)






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A satisfying conclusion

Bewertung (Mitglied der Book Circle Community) am 25.10.2023

Bewertungsnummer: 2052495

Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

Hogwarts gets ready for the final battle against the dark, united they are confronted with a wizard that haunted Harry all his life. Some time ago I decided to read all the Harry Potter books in order, and now after finishing the last one I’m happy that I have completed the task. It was an enjoyable read, and it seemed like the pages flew by like magic. Now there is only one book left, the cursed child, I may give it a try. The most fascinating in reading this series is, seeing the story progressing with every following book, to get immersed into the story and the characters. It’s easy to follow and a lot of fun to read. I think J.K. Rowling has done a great job, the series was a great success then, and hasn’t lost any of its magic. A series to come back to again and again. Even an adult won’t be disappointed. Clear is the last 3 books are rather gloomy, even more in this last one when it goes into battle, which is palpable throughout the story. But on the other hand, the deathly hallows offers also a great satisfying conclusion. In the end, every card lying on the table, with no question unanswered, goes in the direction of a happy ending. The author even shows a short glimpse into the future, with Hogwarts ready for the next generation, and then it’s up to the reader to imagine what comes next.

A satisfying conclusion

Bewertung (Mitglied der Book Circle Community) am 25.10.2023
Bewertungsnummer: 2052495
Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

Hogwarts gets ready for the final battle against the dark, united they are confronted with a wizard that haunted Harry all his life. Some time ago I decided to read all the Harry Potter books in order, and now after finishing the last one I’m happy that I have completed the task. It was an enjoyable read, and it seemed like the pages flew by like magic. Now there is only one book left, the cursed child, I may give it a try. The most fascinating in reading this series is, seeing the story progressing with every following book, to get immersed into the story and the characters. It’s easy to follow and a lot of fun to read. I think J.K. Rowling has done a great job, the series was a great success then, and hasn’t lost any of its magic. A series to come back to again and again. Even an adult won’t be disappointed. Clear is the last 3 books are rather gloomy, even more in this last one when it goes into battle, which is palpable throughout the story. But on the other hand, the deathly hallows offers also a great satisfying conclusion. In the end, every card lying on the table, with no question unanswered, goes in the direction of a happy ending. The author even shows a short glimpse into the future, with Hogwarts ready for the next generation, and then it’s up to the reader to imagine what comes next.

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

von J. K. Rowling


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