Newlywed Couple's Devotional 52 Weeks of Everyday Scripture, Reflections, and Prayers for a God-Centered Marriage
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Gift Edition
Marriage is a journey of both hills and valleys, and newlyweds are just beginning this great adventure. By following God and making him the center of their marriage from the start, couples can avoid rockier paths and create stronger foundations. In this spiritual and practical devotional, marriage coaches Chris and Jamie Bailey speak to the challenges that every newlywed couple faces and provide both inspiration and guidance.
Newlywed Couple's Devotional features:
- 52 Weekly Devotions that explore common issues and themes every couple experiences, such as intimacy, love, commitment, household duties, finances, and more
- Everyday Scripture and Reflective Bible Studies that provide practical solutions to bringing marriages closer to God
- Action-Oriented Discussion Prompts that hold couples accountable for maintaining their God-anchored vows
- Weekly Prayers that are specific and relevant to the topics discussed
- Beautiful Hardcover Book with Embossed Cover perfect for wedding gifting
Whether couples are just getting back from their honeymoons or renewing their vows, this timeless devotional offers essential navigation tools for finding God in their marriages.
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