The Divorcees

The Divorcees

The dark, atmospheric 1950s-set debut everyone is talking about

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Bonnier Books UK





The Divorcées is gorgeously crafted, perfectly balanced, and full of complex, moving and vividly wrought characters. The sunshot pool at the Golden Yarrow, the searing desert heat, the dark glamor of the casinos will stay with me for a long time. Rowan Beaird writes with such ease and confidence that it's hard to believe this novel is her first. An excellent, deeply compelling read Lauren Groff, New York Times bestselling author of Matrix and Fates and Furies









Bonnier Books UK



Maße (L/B/H)

23.3/15.3/2.3 cm


332 g





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Profilbild von Alexandra Kochanowski

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Alexandra Kochanowski

Orell Füssli Bahnhof St. Gallen

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Beautfiful and Thoughtful Debut Novel

Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

Lois left her husband Lawrence and wants to get a divorce as her marriage is not very loving and she feels rather lonely. But that is not so easy, it’s still the 50’s, getting a divorce is still frowned upon and it also takes forever. Except in Nevada, where it only takes 6 weeks. And there are Divorce Ranches where she can stay with other Divorcées, go out to casinos, bake in the sun, form deep friendships and then start over. At least that’s what she’d like to do. But things rarely go as you’d like them to. When picking up that book, I didn’t really know what to expect. But after learning that those divorce ranches were an actual thing, I was intrigued. And not disappointed at all! It’s a beautiful novel, and as you follow Lois throughout her 6 weeks on the ranch, you form a bond with her just as with the other girls. She didn’t always fit in but after the arrival of mysterious Ms. Lang, she finds a true friend and also somewhat befriends the others. But there’s something fishy about the new girl, and the whole time I could sense it and at times even disliked her. Sometimes I was even reminded of school, the peer pressure and wanting to belong. Seeing Lois grow in character, learning that she can be more than just a wife and being pushed to points where I really didn’t think she’d go was fantastic! If you love references of old movies, the 50’s and well written female characters, this is for you! <3

Beautfiful and Thoughtful Debut Novel

Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

Lois left her husband Lawrence and wants to get a divorce as her marriage is not very loving and she feels rather lonely. But that is not so easy, it’s still the 50’s, getting a divorce is still frowned upon and it also takes forever. Except in Nevada, where it only takes 6 weeks. And there are Divorce Ranches where she can stay with other Divorcées, go out to casinos, bake in the sun, form deep friendships and then start over. At least that’s what she’d like to do. But things rarely go as you’d like them to. When picking up that book, I didn’t really know what to expect. But after learning that those divorce ranches were an actual thing, I was intrigued. And not disappointed at all! It’s a beautiful novel, and as you follow Lois throughout her 6 weeks on the ranch, you form a bond with her just as with the other girls. She didn’t always fit in but after the arrival of mysterious Ms. Lang, she finds a true friend and also somewhat befriends the others. But there’s something fishy about the new girl, and the whole time I could sense it and at times even disliked her. Sometimes I was even reminded of school, the peer pressure and wanting to belong. Seeing Lois grow in character, learning that she can be more than just a wife and being pushed to points where I really didn’t think she’d go was fantastic! If you love references of old movies, the 50’s and well written female characters, this is for you! <3

Alexandra Kochanowski
  • Alexandra Kochanowski
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The Divorcees

von Rowan Beaird

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